Did you receive an email with a link to claim a discount or coupon? The discount is automatically applied to your loyalty account and you can view it by following the instructions below.
To check your loyalty points/rewards, go to any store page of the website at https://baysidegallery.com/products/ and click on the blue tab that says "Check Rewards" at the bottom right of the screen (see image from online store below).
Sign into your account using either the sign in link at the bottom of the Rewards Widget or through the account page on the website.
Once you are signed in, you can see the rewards available to you (and current points available.) Notice that the following example shows 310 points available along with a Free Shipping Reward and 10% off a purchase (250 points to reach this discount).
When you redeem any of these rewards, you will be provided with a coupon code that you can use at checkout (see examples below):
10% off example:
Free Shipping Example: